我們知道當今的制造挑戰,因此我們設計和制造Gemco傳感器以滿足并超越這些要求,無論應用或環境如何。 創新,專有技術和數十年的經驗是我們線傳感器發展的關鍵。
Gemco是我們的旗艦產品線,包括線性和旋轉位置傳感器,PLC和網絡接口產品,印刷機自動化,可編程限位開關,電纜和軟管載體,工業制動器等。 這些產品專為在惡劣環境中高精度,高速度和高可靠性非常重要的應用而設計。
它們提供準確,可靠,的位置反饋,有助于實現當今復雜機械的自動化。 傳感器必須提供價值,易于設置,并且可以輕松連接到主機控制器。
AMETEK Sensors, Test & Calibration is one of the world’s leading manufacturers and developers of process position feedback solutions within linear and rotary position feedback. We have the most complete line of automation products for sensing the position of mechanical motion gear in locks and dams, cranes, steel mills, packaging systems, lumber mills, gantries, bridges and more. If it moves, it’s tracked with absolute accuracy by our industry-leading rotary and linear sensors.
Linear Feedback
Our Linear Position Sensors provide accurate, reliable, absolute position feedback to help automate today’s sophisticated machinery.
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Our Rotary Position Sensors play an important role in factory automation and deliver value, ease of use, and interface easily into the host controller.
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The technology we use continuously looks at the rotary position of a machine and, at ultra-high speeds, makes sophisticated process decisions to turn on and off devices such as glue guns and feeder systems. ...
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